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Andrew's Quilt Project

 Today's project is brought to you by the willing hands of my son and I. It was born of necessity and was quickly achieved as all things came together smoothly. Well almost all things. My poor old Kenmore sewing machine being of the ripe old age of 45 years, just didn't like the layers and so fussed and grunted and sometimes froze up and refused to budge. However we being of stern stuff, took him apart, oiled his little gears, changed to a larger needle and soon he was purring away like new, well mostly. He still complained, but we persevered.  The first thing we decided on this quilt project is that we would use the things we already had and try not to spend a dime on the making off  it. We knew we wanted the quilt top to be a lovely piece of printed fleece Andrew was already using for his bed. The problem was the fleece was just too thin and didn't provide adequate warmth against our cold winter weather. Well it just so happened that I had been toting around for years, ...

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