Bracaidus The Bramble Dracken Poem
Here is a poem I wrote inspired by an old tree rooted bramble I found on a ramble I took with my boys at Lost Lake. Later, tho I went back and searched and searched I could never find this bramble again. He must have flown away.
Bracaidus The Bramble Dracken
Today I met a Dragon in the wood,
he asked me if I thought my taste was good?!
I told him it was very plain to see,
I told him it was very plain to see,
no Dragon was intelligent as he.
The flattery was not a vainful boast,
I meant every word or I was toast.
For Dragons when they’re hungry can be coy,
The flattery was not a vainful boast,
I meant every word or I was toast.
For Dragons when they’re hungry can be coy,
they love to play with you just as a toy.
He said the grass is green come sit a while,
I sat but it was very hard to smile.
For tho he spoke in tones of honeyed bliss,
I did not care to get a dragons kiss.
He smiled sweetly thus again he spoke,
He said the grass is green come sit a while,
I sat but it was very hard to smile.
For tho he spoke in tones of honeyed bliss,
I did not care to get a dragons kiss.
He smiled sweetly thus again he spoke,
by now my heart had caused my throat to choke.
You look so good so rosy and so well,
I’d like to know your secret please do tell.
I did not think he meant to pass the time,
You look so good so rosy and so well,
I’d like to know your secret please do tell.
I did not think he meant to pass the time,
by gossiping about my health sublime.
He looked too hungry for my peace of mind,
I shivered even tho he did sound kind.
For if he chose ‘twould be the end of me,
He looked too hungry for my peace of mind,
I shivered even tho he did sound kind.
For if he chose ‘twould be the end of me,
just one swift gulp and I’d no longer be.
But how to make him leave and not offend,
But how to make him leave and not offend,
a dragons claws could me so easy rend.
So there we sat together in the wood,
So there we sat together in the wood,
him wondering if my taste was really good.
I thinking I did not want for him to know,
I thinking I did not want for him to know,
for tasting me would only make him grow.
I said, if I were you I’d fly away,
I’ve heard there hunters in the woods today.
You wouldn’t want for them to catch you here,
I said, if I were you I’d fly away,
I’ve heard there hunters in the woods today.
You wouldn’t want for them to catch you here,
he smiled a smile that looked more like a sneer.
I saw his look then said with trembling plea,
I’m not the meal you think that I would be.
The plumpness that you see is just my clothes,
I saw his look then said with trembling plea,
I’m not the meal you think that I would be.
The plumpness that you see is just my clothes,
remove them and my thinness you’ll expose.
He blinked his eyes and looked me over well,
He blinked his eyes and looked me over well,
just what was in his mind I could not tell.
He didn’t look convinced but said to me,
He didn’t look convinced but said to me,
your clothes are tasteless that I will agree.
With that remark at least one thing I knew,
With that remark at least one thing I knew,
that Dragon was as tactless as a shrew.
Just then we heard a crackle in the wood,
Just then we heard a crackle in the wood,
with fear filled mind I jumped up and I stood.
Was it another dragon?! Something worse?!
I heard behind me then a stifled curse.
A group of hunters entered on the trail,
I raised my hand and gave a hearty hail.
Then turned my head at such a hissing sound,
Was it another dragon?! Something worse?!
I heard behind me then a stifled curse.
A group of hunters entered on the trail,
I raised my hand and gave a hearty hail.
Then turned my head at such a hissing sound,
that Dragon made me tremble to the ground.
But then as if a mist dropped from my eyes,
I saw as if ‘twas in another guise.
For there instead, a tree root in its place,
But then as if a mist dropped from my eyes,
I saw as if ‘twas in another guise.
For there instead, a tree root in its place,
you should have seen the look upon my face.
No Dragon but a root within the wood,
No Dragon but a root within the wood,
no hunters but some stumps where they had stood.
I do not know what happened to this day,
I do not know what happened to this day,
it is a place most haunted locals say.
I took myself from out that mystic sphere,
I took myself from out that mystic sphere,
just glad that all was naught, and I am here.