More Birthday Finds At That 2nd Hand Shop

I know it's just two days later but I had some spare time so why not run in and see what's on the shelves?! You never know what you might find?
Ha! Ha! I bet you thought it was apple's I found there! Nope, these are pictures of the apple's from my brother in-laws orchard. Well not the apple on the left. That is just a normal sized apple to give you a comparison. The Hanners Apple on the right is from his orchard. My son made me a sheet cake pan full of apple crumble for my birthday. It was so yummy!
Here is another picture showing two Hanners Apple's and the one in the middle being a normal sized apple. It only took two of the apple's to make the apple crumble and it was delicious. I always love to go to the orchard and see these hanging in the tree's. They really are hard to believe, the size is so crazy large. The largest one recorded by Guinness Book of World records was I believe 3.6 lbs. These aren't nearly that size, but they are big enough.
Here is actually what I did find at the shop and was delighted to find it. Tho it is a Chinese knock-off of a Pennsylvania oval wood box, I was still pleased to find it. Simply because it was large, well made, and only $2.99.
Tho I wish this were the real thing, I like it well enough, and it didn't cost me half my life savings either. Besides I always find these types of things so handy for like quilt scraps and other bits and bobs.
Oops! I nearly forgot this little gem which I found as I was heading for the door. The book isle's at the store always offer a good selection. I found this tucked in where the quilt books usually are and thought my son would enjoy it. He does like Star Wars, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings collectables. The nice thing is I only paid a few dollars for it. When this was first published they wanted nearly fifteen. Ouch!


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