Pictures, Pottery, & More

Life has been really crazy lately and so busy I hardly knew up from down. Happily tho it has calmed down a bit, so I could get back here with a few goodies I found recently on a trip to my favorite 2nd hand store. So without further ado, here they are.
 Isn't this the most darling little heart?! I so enjoy things like this and the saying is so true too. Sometimes it is all a mother has, holding her children in her heart, but life is about letting your children spread their wings and become who and what they want to be. In your heart and prayers tho, you never let them go. This lovely little heart has given me some splendid idea's for some projects of my own and hopefully they will turn out just as sweet. It was just $2.99.
As you can see from her card, Jody Houghton, designed this piece. Tho this piece was purchased back in 1991, Jody is still in business and creating new and wonderful things. Here is a link to her Etsy Shop.   ...go check her out, her things are delightful.
This sweet little original oil painting of bluebirds and apples was painted by someone named Ali back in 1982. You may wonder why it is out of its frame?! One word, "Tobacco!" I usually try to remember to give all my purchases the sniff test, and if they smell of tobacco I leave them. This time I forgot and when I got this little beauty home, the frame fairly reeked of it. I tried everything I could, but in the end the frame had to go in the junk. I even had to scrub the painting with soft cloths and mild soap and water. I wish the pictures showed just how many shades of yellow came off the picture. You can see around the edge where the tobacco on the frame permanently stained it. Hopefully the little painting will completely air out over time for it is truly sweet and I do so like it.
It was only $3 so I don't mind losing the frame.
I couldn't resist this cute little apple's cross-stitch. It was only $1.99 and I thought it lovely in its little red frame and green mat. It made me smile just to see it, so into my cart it went.
This very large piece of pottery has me baffled. Is it a footed tea pot? If it is, it could supply tea to a very large group of people. I tried finding something like it on Foogle to no avail. It is unsigned which didn't help either, but many pieces I have found aren't signed. I just was so delighted by its design I had to have it. It will make a very fine display piece in my new house. It was a bit high at $12.99, which almost made me hesitate, but after having it in my cart for a while I decided it was worth it.
I guess I was having a pottery day. When I saw this shallow dish I was immediately hooked. I love everything about it. The shape, size, and color. However I did not love the signature on the back. Tho dramatic, it didn't lend itself to finding it on Foogle. If anyone out there has a clue as to this truly talented artist I would love to know. It was just $3.99.
 This cute tiny pottery vase with irises was something I had wanted to get on a prior visit, but my hubby made some remark about it probably just being an incense burner, because of its tiny opening so I had left it behind. This day however was a blue label day and at 50% off I decided it was coming home with me anyway. After all I don't have to burn incense in it. At 99 cents who could resist its cuteness?! I give you the signature on the bottom. I couldn't make it out. Maybe someone with better eyesight can figure it out?
Update: After a bit of searching with my brilliant twin sister, she helped me figure out that this is the signature of Patrick Cosgriffe, who with his brother Rick had a pottery studio from 1980 - 1990 in Portland, Oregon, but Rick, we found, moved back to Montana. What they are doing now, we don't know.
 Here is a hand-blown glass paperweight with an interesting story. The minute I saw it, I couldn't snatch it off the shelf fast enough. How it came to be still sitting there is anyone's guess?! I knew it was quality the minute I laid eyes on it. In fact I have seen fancy ones, similar to this, in glass blowers shops and have always wanted one but just couldn't afford it. When I saw it the thing was sitting upside down and the price sticker was over the design. Meaning the sticker was covering the view you see in the top picture. GW had done me a great favor in that, so folks couldn't really tell what they were looking at. The other thing they missed was the signature, which if you look closely is just above the cut area on the bottom picture. Now thanks to my very astute and helpful twin sister, she deciphered the signature of this wonderful paperweight maker. To tell you the truth, after two days searching, I had given it up as a lost cause. I could just make out the first name as Scott, and that it was made in 2002, but I couldn't get Foogle to come up with a full name. She helped me figure out it was made by a wonderful glass artist by the name of Scott Hartley. He is an artist of some renown and his intricate paperweights like this one sell for over $200. I was delighted as I had paid $1.99. I do love it when GW doesn't have a clue. I highly recommend you check out Scott Hartley's glass art sculptures at his website at,
That wasn't the only score I made. Just as I was doing my usual wander on the verge, looking at the window displays. I spotted this in the last window and had a hard time concealing my delight. It had a big sign that said GET ASSISTANCE and $19.99. I didn't follow the instructions and snatched that dress form out of the window before anyone else could. Now I have two dress forms already, but neither of them is adjustable. This one, which is very akin to that made by Singer has over twelve adjustment points and is the kind I have been wanting for years. I just couldn't see my way clear to paying $160 - $175 for one. I was so delighted to get her I think I shall call her Mabel. She aught to fit in nicely with Maude II and Claude. Maude I, my very first dress form, became a gift to my daughter, she being a wonderful fiber artist, and oh how she has been nicely draping Maude I with all manner of lovely knitted things over the years. If you adore lovely yarn you must check out her website called Lavender Sheep. Her choices and colors are simply delicious.   
...There is nothing like a dress form to liven up a creative space, and hold a few nifty creations now and again. I can hardly wait to figure out what Mabel will like to wear?! ha ha ha


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