God Chose To Love Us

 Each day I wake up and I think God CHOSE to love me! He didn't have to, he chose to. He knew me from the foundation of the world, and he marked me with his love! He knew every mistake I would ever make and yet he loved me! He thought I was worth dying for! How many folks do you know that would do that for you?! 
When I think of all the things that could have made him chose not to love us and he did anyway, it breaks my heart to think, that my sins added to his pain. Because of this, I pray he helps me every day to make good choices, choices that lead me closer to him. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but I am so glad he is a forgiving and loving creator. His blood covers us and frees us from sin so we can have hearts full of joy in serving him!
Thinking on these thoughts, I have been working on a poem. I hope it helps you to think too about just how much our Lord loves us and forgives us! Mankind has done so much wrong, yet he loved us!

God Chose To Love Us

He gave us Eden, we gave him Gethsemane,
he gave us eternity, we chose mortality.
He gave us happiness, we chose sin and brokenness,
yet he came to save us all and bring us home.

Oh what suffering, oh what needless pain,
He had oh so much to lose,
we had everything to gain.
He gave up his crown of glory,
and he chose to give his all.
Just to save his sinful children from, "The Fall."
*Just think about it, please think about it,
He chose to love us all, even after our downfall.
He chose to love us, he made salvation's plan, 
He chose to save the sinful fallen souls of man.

He chose healing and relief,
we chose fear and unbelief.
He chose to leave the upper room,
we chose a garden with a tomb.

We chose a trials mocking scorn,
we chose for him a crown of thorns.
He chose to die upon a tree,
we chose to run away and flee.
*Just think about it, please think about it,
He chose to love us all, even after our downfall.
He chose to love us, he made salvation's plan, 
He chose to save the sinful souls of fallen man.
But not only did he die, He LIVED AGAIN!!!  (triumphant cry!)
For there came that glorious day,
an Angel rolled the stone away.
He chose to take again his breath,
he told the truth, he conquered death.
The song of VICTORY is his forever more!!!
He chose to love us, to shed his precious blood,
to give his grace to us, as a redeeming flood.
He chose to give his grace for free, 
when he died upon that tree. 
He bought you with the price, so that you could live.

*Just think about it, please think about it,
He chose to love us all, even after our downfall.
He chose to love us, he made salvation's plan, 
He chose to save the sinful souls of fallen man.

Now I choose Jesus, for his mighty love,
I choose to walk with him, until my home above.
I choose Jesus, no other could I know,
no greater love could any other show.
 Now I choose Jesus, because he died for me,
I don't deserve it, his gift of Calvary.
But when he offered me redemption, it was then I knew,
I could choose a righteous life, and I do!!!
 *Just think about it, please think about it,
He chose to love us all, even after our downfall.
He chose to love us, he made salvation's plan, 
He chose to save the sinful souls of fallen man.
How could I turn my back, on such redeeming love?!
The God of heaven and of earth, the very stars above.
Wanted me so much he came, and then he died for me,
no greater love could there ever be!!!
Just Think about it! For God so loved the world, he gave the thing he loved the most, his only begotten son, to save our souls. This life is full of heartache and broken dreams, but when you are with Jesus, some day in heaven, for a million years, knowing your life with him will never end, the pain of this life will seem as nothing. He gives us strength day by day to walk with him, and constantly reminds of us of his unfailing love, and for that I am truly grateful.

Please have a God blessed day!




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