My Totoro Project
I cut small bits of the wire for his arms legs and tail, inserted them into the egg, and then began applying the cotton, using the watered down glue. Basically you are painting on layers of cotton a little bit at a time. I am delighted with how he turned out. Painting him was a bit of a challenge because he is so small, under three inches tall. I found the smaller a thing is the harder to get the details right, but hey if it was all easy, what would be the point of trying it, right?!
When he was all done drying, and for me this process took the longest, because I could only air dry him. I didn't want to spend the electricity it would have taken to dry him in the stove or by use of a fan method, so it took a few days to get him dry. (Also I was using a foam egg as his base, not something I saw done in the youtube video's, and not something I wanted to put in my oven.) After he was good and dry, I painted him over first with white gesso. I had some acrylic paints that I used to over paint him with. I didn't paint him wet, as some folks do, as I wanted him to look like the animation. It just so happened that there was a color blue in the small set that I had, that was just the color I wanted, so I didn't have to mix any paint. I chose to use gesso and acrylic because I wanted him to harden up, but the other folks making these have used water colors, ink tints, and also watered down acrylic paint, so the figure remains soft.
The thing is, I have been trying to figure out for the longest time, what to do with this funky mushroom thingy I had made using a large wool felted ball that I had cut in half and covered with stretch velvet to make this sculpture last winter. I have a few of these wood chunks which I found while Andrew and I were walking in the orchard. The farm guys had been out pruning back the pear tree's, rather severely, and had cut off big chunks of limbs, leaving these gnarled hunks on the ground. I couldn't resist them as I thought surely I could make them into something woodsy?! I'm so happy I did!
Andrew and I have been going on hikes lately, and I always like to pick up a few bits and pieces as we walk along. Things like various cones and bits of twig and bark. In this case it was tiny little hazelnuts that bugs had got to, so the squirrels had left them under the bushes. I would have preferred tiny acorns, as that is the food that Totoro's like best, but I think the wild hazelnuts worked pretty good. I don't think a Totoro would turn them down if they once tasted them, they are far more tasty than acorns.
I decided that I would take Totoro out into the yard for a bit of a natural photo shoot, and see how it looked. I am happy to say I think it looks great.
The bit of blue crochet lace you see on the mushroom stem, was a lucky find. It was just exactly the right length for what I needed. It is a small length of hand crocheted lace that had been made by Grandma May Zimmerman-Roberts. Mom had given it to me years ago, and told me that her grandma had made it. It came from Grandma Mays sewing basket stash, and Mom had inherited it when she passed away. I had kept it in one of my own little stash baskets, since she gave it to me, but had never found a use for it, until now. Yippy!!! It was just the right shade of blue that I wanted. Now I happily put it to good use.
Here at last is my Totoro sitting on his own little island of loveliness. The pictures just don't do him justice. I wish you could see all of the little details. The added bonus here is that the mushroom can be used as a pin cushion. The wool felted ball I used, makes it the loveliest pin cushion you ever saw.
I hope you all have enjoyed this, and I also hope it inspires you to try this cotton/glue technique. It is something that would be great to do with your kids. I found it delightful. Totoro was the very first thing I tried to make, using this method, and it turned out very well. Just the way I hoped it would. Now this just gives me all kinds of idea's of what I can make in the future. Happy crafting everyone!
I hope this finds all of you healthy and happy, may you have a God blessed day!