Oakeyoon and his Tree House

     Welcome my friends, today we are going to take a journey in my imagination. I have for as long as I can remember wandered the woods, and loved the flotsam and jetsam that can be gathered there. Like a squirrel I have collected over the years, rather a good variety of odd bits of bark and twig and things from nature that struck my fancy. I have felt that to create some new things with these, just might help bring back the spark that too much sorrow had taken from me, and it most certainly has. I thank my Lord for his gift of creativity, and the healing it gives the heart and mind.
    Now, what on earth is a Diflannu Wiwerdyn you might ask?! In answer I can only say, it is a small creature of great mystery. Its name means, "vanishing squirrelman", in the Welsh, and it is very aptly named. I have observed this creature only once in the wild woods, and in trying to photograph it, was nearly unsuccessful. It seemed to blend right into its surroundings and vanish in plain sight. They live, it is said, in tiny round houses which are usually perched high up a tree. They construct their houses of all manner of bits of bark and twig and because of this the lichens and moss soon grown upon them and their houses blend into the woods, just the same as they themselves.
Here is a glimpse of the Diflannu Wiwerdyn. He is just poking his head out from behind the twigs, on the left. I was so lucky to catch him at home. It took me forever, using very strong field glasses, to spot his house in the first place. If not for his song I wouldn't have even known where to start.

When I finally saw him, I stood as still as a stone for fear he would bolt at the very sight of me, but he just seemed curious as to what I was?!

These quick snaps were all I could get of his wee little house. I smiled when I saw he had a tiny little nut that was hollowed out, which he was using for storage or a letter box. You can just see it down low on the left. He had a tiny little entrance with a equally tiny little piece of bark for a door. I nearly fainted when I saw right there he was still peeking at me as I took this shot.
And just like that he vanished, he hadn't moved at all, but he just blended into the background like a chameleon. Then I noticed something really weird. His tree grew nuts and cones. It wasn't just a nut tree, it grew cones too. How odd indeed I thought, and how convenient for the Diflannu Wiwerdyn. It doesn't have to search all over the woods. It has nuts, and seeds from the cones close to hand.

I zoomed my camera in for a closer look, and there he was sitting very still with a twig of alder cones in his paws or hands? I couldn't see well enough to tell what his hands were like. He had a funny little, what looked like an acorn cap on his head, with curly sprouts of wiry things sticking out of the top of it. Tho it may actually just have been his hair pulled up like that?! He wasn't going to sit still to let me inspect him, so I can't say for sure what it was.
Using every bit of stealthiness in my being, I carefully tried to get some snaps of his house from every angle. I was so afraid he would bolt off and completely vanish, as his name suggests. I was very nervous and my camera just hated all of the details and didn't want to record them. I think this is a deliberate design on their part, as it makes them harder to spot.

I was completely enthralled by the delicate nature of his house. I could see that each twig and piece of bark was placed with great care. The design was so sweet, but also made to fool the eye, to blend so well into its surroundings that the average soul would never catch a glimpse of it. I was struck again with how clever and allusive this creature really was.
Just as I neared the back of his house, I could see his outline. He was sitting just as I had first seen him. He hadn't moved an inch. I could see the tenseness in him, and felt that I had outstayed my welcome, and any second he would scoot off.
I quietly made my way back around to the front of his house. I used every bit of cover I had to keep him from getting too frightened and running away.
What fun it was to see a creature like this, but time was getting on, and I knew it was making him nervous too, so I prepared to take my leave.
As I turned to go, it seemed to me he was smiling. He had never been afraid of me at all. I suddenly felt a wave of warmth flow over me, a sense of well being that I had seen such a magical thing, and would keep it always in my heart. To respect the woodland and its creatures, is a wonderful thing. To experience the joy of hearing their songs, seeing their homes, it would remain forever one of my most cherished memories. For yes, it had been singing before I saw it, and that is what made me stop and be still. I wanted to know what that music was and what had made it?! Such rewards of patience and peace and careful observation. I found out later from Giric Talesbottle that his name was Oakeyoon. What a perfect name for such a subtle and delightful woodland creature.

This little creature, tho only in my imagination, reminds me of how much the woods are my delight. I hope you have enjoyed this wee journey of my imagination.

May you all have a God blessed day!



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