Bea Woof & Friends

 It is getting into cooler weather and Fall is in the air. This always turns my thoughts to the making of small objects, such as Christmas Ornaments. I had been mulling over in my mind what I might attempt this year, and thought I might try making a small stuffed felt dog. This is the result. Seated she is just 4 1/2" tall from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. A diminutive critter indeed. What she lacks in size tho she makes up for in heart, and I think she turned out adorably.

I have named my doggy Bea Woof, as it seemed like just the right name for her. She has always wanted to, "Be A Wolf", you see, and if you look carefully at her shadow in her second picture, you might just see her inner wolf showing. Of course she isn't really a wolf, which is why I named her Bea Woof, for she is really a softy at heart and wouldn't bark at her own flea's. She loves her little silver bell and is so excited by it, she runs around just to hear it tinkle. Which can make her very out of breath.

She has joined some friends on the top of my tall dresser and seems to enjoy the company. I seem to be gathering together a fine collection of little stuffed animals. I did enjoy the challenge of making her and it wasn't too difficult. I drew her body, head, arms, legs, and tail, as well as her eyes nose, ears, white tummy center, and little tongue on typing paper. Then used them as a pattern, I cut them out of charcoal colored thin wool and white wool felt. I stitched down and stuffed her tummy overlay before stitching the front to the back of her body, and stitched on the eyes, nose, and tongue to the front head piece, as well as added french knots for her whisker bumps, before putting the back of her head on and stuffing her. I stuffed her body, arm, legs, and tail, but did not stuff her ears. French knots make up the centers of her eyes, and a little silver bell on a hemp cord finishes her look off nicely. 

She has made a friend of Dunbar Dawg, who sits just in front of her. It was Dunbar that inspired me to attempt the making of Bea. Dunbar was a rescue dog made by an unknown soul who really had talent for making these things. I found Dunbar Dawg along with Tabbi Kat, who is bright orange, and sitting on the far left in front of Kitty Goldenrod. Kitty Goldenrod is a larger cat I made some years ago. Kitty is a tomcat, tho his name sounds otherwise, and he was pretty lonely before the arrival of Tabbi. He doesn't mind her a bit, tho she can be a handful. She is one fancy cat with purrfect manners, so she keeps Kitty in sharp shape.

When I rescued Dunbar Dawg and Tabbi Kat, I found Tabbi had been sewn onto the back of Dunbar. At first they had seemed inseparable, but they begged me to separate them because, Dunbar was tired of having, "That feline on his back", as he put it. Tabbi was not adverse to being removed, as she was also tired of her, "attachment to Dunbar." "He liked to roll in things", she sniffed as she walked away, and she never liked his smell. He growled that she always dug her claws in, and had to have the last word. The truth of which was proved when she hissed, "Word", as she passed him and sat down with Kitty. They both seem much happier now that they have more space. I can't say as I blame them being disgruntled. I like friends too, but I don't think I would want to ride on their backs, or carry one on my back either. It would soon wear thin.

Anyway,  I hope you have enjoyed my little dog, and it inspires you to try some nifty crafty things. May you all have a God blessed day, and may his angels surround you and keep you safe!


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