Venturing Forth In Full Gear
To venture forth into the public domain these days takes preparation, patience, and nerve. One must arm oneself with masks, gloves, and the appropriate sanitizing equipment. Much as if ones job were cleaning outhouses, instead of just going to shop. But enough on that!
Today's object is to share the things I found while on this venturing, so I will get right to it.
Next, on examining the pictures in the art aisle, I came across this giclee canvas print of a very nice sailboat oil painting. Try as I might I couldn't figure out the artist tho, so couldn't find out more about it. Just the label above lets me know it was printed on Nov 10, 2011. Still, I am a huge fan of sailboats and sailing vessels, and this picture will hang nicely on the wall in my living room and is sure to make me smile every time I see it. Don't you just love the cheerful colors?! At just $3.99 I couldn't leave it.
This lovely large book I found in the book section. You know I am addicted to quilt books and even if at present we can't quilt together, it reminded me of all those lovely times when people did. The things we can accomplish when we work together is something truly amazing. We should never forget those who worked so hard that came before us, and this book shares just that. The many forgotten hardworking folks who quietly performed such bodies of work, creating beauty with needle and cloth. Leaving behind such splendid example's of their talent and love of community. This book is such a delight, telling the stories of the quilts and their makers whenever they are known. It was so worth the $4.99 price and shall happily make its home in my quilt book collection.