The Lord Is My Path

I awoke the other morning with the beginning lines of this poem running through my head, and I thank the Lord for his grace in allowing me to write it and share it with you here. 

Life is full of twists and turns, humps, bumps, and mountains to climb. But no matter the twists in life's path God is always there, for he is the true path to heaven, and the guide of my life. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us, and it is a promise that I firmly believe. May you all have a God Blessed day!

 The Lord Is My path

God chose to bring my soul into existence,

my life is his to do just as he will.

When storms of life like sea billows gather,

He says, "Fear not my child, peace be still.

Out of great sorrow the Lord brought me rejoicing,

he is a comfort each moment now for me.

May the path that I walk be all his doing,

for his grace is sufficient for me.

He is my rock the joy of my salvation,

his name the fortress that I may enter in.

To dwell in safety his lovely arms surround me,

his blood the sacrifice that freed my soul from sin.

So let me not through this worlds trials weaken,

in my resolve to live daily by his grace.

That when my path on this earth has finally ended,

I'll shout with joy as I look upon his face.



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