What Jesus Said

Too often we think or are made to think, that Jesus doesn't care about our troubles, because they aren't as bad as the other guys, or as bad as the terrible things we see on the news. This couldn't be further from the truth. Jesus lived on this earth, so he knows what it's like to be an everyday human. Jesus cares about everything happening in our lives. He knows everything that is going on, but he still wants to hear us talk to him about it. That to me is just so amazing. He is the most loving caring savior, and our beloved father. So like all great fathers, he is always willing to listen when we come to him. 

Just think about it. The God of the universe came and died for us, and he wants to spend the rest of eternity with us. He wants to help us in our daily lives, and take us home to be with him. I don't know of any love greater than that, do you?! 

Last night, when we had just gotten through with our evening worship, and I was walking into my room to go to bed, a thought came into my head, so I said to my son Andrew. "You know Jesus never said to the leper, be glad that you can see!" My son replied, "That's true, he didn't denigrate people or say there were other people worse off then they were, so they shouldn't complain." I heartily agreed, and after a little discussion we both went off to our separate parts of the house. However, I couldn't get that line out of my head and so got pen and paper and wrote the poem below. I hope that it is a blessing to you, because above all else, I want you to know, that Jesus cares about you!!!

What Jesus Said

Jesus never said to the leper, be glad that you can see,
he never said to the blind man, be glad that you hear me.
What he said to those seeking him, the sick, the halt, the lame,
I have come to bring you healing, in my Father’s name.

Jesus never said, go away, there are sicker here than you,
he never said, come back later, I’ve got other things to do.
What he said was, be cleansed, as he reach out his hand,
touched the leper, and the blind man, helped the halt and lame to stand.

Jesus never said to children, you can be seen but never heard,
they listened to his stories, they hung on every word.
A little boys lunch basket, loaves and fishes were inside,
Jesus fed the multitude with it, ‘til they were satisfied.

He said, become as little children, then my kingdom you will see,
become as little children, if you want to follow me.
I will heal the broken hearted, I will set the captives free,
just believe as little children, and come and follow me.

He said, come all you that labor, and I will give you rest,
take my yoke upon you, you truly will be blessed.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light,
come learn of me, for I make all things right.

He said, if I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men to me,
the halt, the lame, the deaf, the blind who cannot see.
I will conquer death, hell has no victory,
for all my precious children, who come and follow me.

He said on the cross that day, This is my destiny!
Father forgive them, for what they do to me.
They don’t know in my dying, I will live again,
and in laying down my life for them, I’ll take away their sin.

Just as he said, he rose triumphant, he sits upon his throne,
just as he said, his blood will heal you, and not just you alone.
All those who come to him in sorrow, with brokenness repent,
he heals and saves, for He was heaven sent.

He said, become as children, then my kingdom you will see,
become as little children, if you want to follow me.
I will heal the broken hearted, I will sinful hearts set free,
just believe as little children, and come and follow me.


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