As In A Dream

Early this morning as I was sleeping, the lines of this poem began to form in my mind, and they kept reciting in my head until I awoke and put them to paper. In my minds eye I saw myself as one of the many weary travelers heading to Bethlehem at the edict of Augustus Caesar. Mary and Joseph had walked this same road just days before. Not on mule back as some writers have written, but walking the whole way, in the dust of the road for all those weary miles. They were not wealthy enough to afford a donkey or mule, their offering for their son at the temple was proof of that, for it was just a pair of turtle doves.Tho they were not as poor as those who gave two sparrows, yet they were still very poor indeed. 

In my sleepy state I imagined that I too walked that same road and also found no place to stay, thus camped along the road as I traveled along. There I saw the shepherds when the Angels began their chorus. I too was frightened nearly out of my wits until I heard the Angels sing and their words of hope. Then I followed the shepherds to the manger where Jesus lay and fell down to worship him. As I knelt gazing upon his sweet and innocent face my dream suddenly changed and I saw his life's struggle, its matchless cruelty, and how much he would suffer, with evil men hanging him upon a cross and mocking him. Yet even as they did so he forgave them. In the moment of his death my heart was rung with anguish, it felt as if all the light had gone out of the universe and I was  crushed. The earth shook also with grief. I looked and saw the darkness of the tomb where they had laid him, and like his disciples I felt bereaved to the point of death. 

Long I stood beside his tomb, gazing upon the stone which closed it fast, staying out of the sight of the soldier guard standing by. My thoughts kept going round and round inside my head, but ever coming back to his words. "Do not give up hope! I am the resurrection and the life. If I lay down my life I will take it up again!" His words were like a small spark of hope in a very dark place, tho I did not understand their meaning?!  On the third day of my vigil, just before the dawn there came suddenly a mighty sound, I saw the tomb burst open with such a light as would melt the earth and heavens like wax. The soldiers fell like dead men, the stone was flung aside, as Jesus rose with glory from that wretched tomb. The sight of this was more than I could bear and I fainted away. When I awoke I found myself once more within the manger room. All this I had seen while gazing at the wee babe, so small and innocent in his mothers arms. I could not help weeping and saying, "This Lord is how you come to us, and that is how you will die?!" I heard him in my heart reply, "It was my choice, to do the will of my Father who sent me. It was our plan to save a world so lost. I chose to come from heavens throne, counting not the cost." 

I find how precious is the word of God. In his word it says, "For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes on him should not perish but have ever lasting life." 

John 3:16

 As In A Dream

As in a dream in days of old,
I walked upon a narrow road.
The way was bleak as I was told,
I wore a cloak against the cold.

As I journeyed on my way,
the light grew dim at end of day.
I sought a place in which to stay,
but there was none, tho I could pay.

For many others traveled too,
along the road as travelers do.
They carried burdens and I knew,
that further on they ever grew.

Beside the road that night I stayed,
in a field, not far I strayed.
There my weary head I laid,
and there I also prayed.

Then in the 4th watch of the night,
there came a bright and glorious light.
I with some shepherd’s gazed in fright,
to see the heavenly angelic sight.

“Be not afraid, the Angels said,
a babe is born in manger bed.
Tonight he lays his little head,
in Bethlehem.” We rushing fled.

And as we fled the Angels sang,
it felt as if the heavens rang.
Within my frightened heart it sprang,
and took away my fear filled pang.

So with the shepherd’s I did go,
for in my heart a hope did grow.
That we would find Him here below,
at the place the Angels show.

We came at last e’er break of day,
unto the place where Jesus lay.
And at his feet there in the hay,
we knelt to praise him and to pray.

I looked upon my Savior’s face,
so innocent and full of grace.
He had come to take our place,
the sacrifice for human race.

As I looked, my dream was changed,
I saw through time, as men estranged.
With evil hearts and minds deranged,
a cruel cross for him arranged.

My heart was stricken and I cried,
“For this you came, for them you died?!”
I saw the tomb so dark inside,
and then I saw it broken wide.

The light that shown when He arose,
burst from the tomb, and ever grows.
It was no dream, as my heart knows,
it was the way that He had chose.

Then as I wept my heart awoke,
to all the words that He had spoke.
The chains of darkness He had broke,
removed the burdens and the yoke.

He said, “Come unto me, I’ll give you rest,
you will be counted with the blessed.
My blood will wash away your sin,
and you’ll have joy within.”

“My yoke is easy, my burdens light,
come from the darkness of the night.
If you hearken to my voice,
I’ll heal your wounds, you will rejoice.”

My soul responded, leaped glad my heart,
I wish to never e’er depart.
That babe who in a manger lay,
is still my Savior alive today.

He sits triumphant on the throne,
beside his Father, this is known.
All power is given Christ alone,
soon he’ll return to claim his own.

Thank you Jesus we are you own!


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