Meet Catte Wumpus

Today I'd like you to meet a funny critter named Catte Wumpus. She like her friend Dogge Dashwood, of my just prior post, were made from an old velvet pillow that was ready for the discard box. I felt it could be put to better use, and so I up-cycled it for some fun projects. Catte is not anymore a "Cat" than Dogge Dashwood was a "Dog". She is also a creature of the woods and glens, and tho not possessing whirly-gig ears like her best friend, she still has her own nifty abilities. 

Once again I shall place the pattern of her here so if you want to use it, size it how you like, and go for it. I have no doubt that these patterns will make for fun projects and would be interesting in all types of fabrics and patterns. Even the pillow stuffing has been reused, so nothing goes to waste.

Follow the same method as what I used to make Dogge Dashwood, in my just prior post. As you can see I didn't follow the exact design as you see in my pattern. I found after assembling Catte that I simply didn't like her eye's, or her ear patches. They were far too literal and distracting. So I removed the pink triangle's for her ears, and made her eye's round like Dogge's. Sometimes a person just simply must edit, in order to get the feeling of the character they are trying to make. If you like the eyes the other way, feel free to do it. That's the beauty of creating your own creature. You can make them however you like.
Catte Wumpus is a quiet and peaceful soul. She loves nothing more than to curl up in a meadow full of flowers, or rest on a limb, high in the top of a tree, and watch the stars at night. But she is not always such a creature of serenity.
She lives not far from Dogge Dashwood, on the verges of the meadow wood. She also has a house deep in the forest that she loves to go to when the summer weather makes it too hot in the meadow. Often times Dogge goes with her on her treks in the forest, and together they have many adventures.
Here they are together for the first time, but since they are from my imagination, I have them already traveling together and having loads of fun. As you can see Dogge's ears are up, and he is very happy to have a friend. Catte is smiling for all she is worth. Now as to their funny names, it's because Dogge loves to dash about in the woods, and Catte, (whose name now just means askew or awry), takes rather its 18th century slang meaning, which is an imaginary fierce wild creature. She does have a hidden ability which I found out when I finally got through making her. When I had finished the very last stitch, and removed the very last pin, she let out a screech that made me nearly jump into the ceiling. She then blew up like a balloon to twice her normal size, and with every hair standing on end, went streaking around the room like a maniac. Running up over the furniture and climbing the window curtain up to the top, where she hung balanced on the curtain rod, looking down at me and snarling. I thought to myself, "What type of a nightmare creature have I made?!" Apparently she had not liked all the pins I had, had to use while making her, and it had made her rather, "Catty." ...hee hee hee... I know, I know, my puns are really terrible. After much coaxing, I was able to get her to come back down. I let her know I meant her no harm. But WOW that was some surprise! Now of course none of this actually happened, but I can imagine it did, and I can also imagine what Dogge will think when he see's her "ability" for the first time. Aren't they both in for some surprises! ...ha ha ha...
Both of these creatures are so soft and squishy. The velvet makes them just right, and I didn't stuff them too full, so they would be soft.

These two are now constant companions, and where you see one, you will always see the other. I wonder what Catte will do when she see's Dogge take off flying for the first time? I hope it doesn't make her nearly jump out of her skin, like it did me. But that's the fun thing about making new friends, their talents and foible's may really surprise you. Still, it is so much nicer than everybody being exactly the same. Wouldn't that be dull and boring?! 

I wonder now what I shall make next, as I do have a little bit of scrap left. Shall it be a mouse like creature, or a sheep like creature, or something else entirely? Time will tell and we shall see.

I can't say goodbye without mentioning the two kinds of embroidery I decided to do for their tummies. Dogge as you see has flowers, and Catte has stars. I could say that these are there because it is their favorite things, or I could say it is because this is the mark of their clans, but to tell you the truth I'm not sure yet what exactly they signify?! It seemed like the right thing to do to break up all of that solid color, and it saved me the need to put some type of adhesive down between the felt and the velvet. I think they like it. At least I haven't heard any complaints from them so far. Since they both like flowers and stars, they are happy, I am happy, and with that I shall bid you good day!

 But before I go completely, I just got inspired to write this little ditty. I hope you enjoy it.

A cat and a dog, and a wee little mouse, all live together in a wee little house. They all love berries and they all love cherries, and they love to sing songs with a voice that carries. The dog woof woofs, and the cat meows, as the mouse squeaks along, in their wee little house. So if you pass by on a sunny day, you can here them all singing, in their own merry way. Some like the sound and could listen for years, but others run away, and cover their ears. But no matter what comes, they sing every day, and they all live together, happily this way.


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord cause his face to shine upon you, and give you peace!


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