Fused Glass Frit Painting, Kosta Boda - Ulrica Hydman-Vallien Blown Glass Artist and More

I hope you like art glass because today we are going to take a journey on the art glass train. I have read more about glass blowing and art glass this week than I ever have before in my life. I have even watched a show on blown glass, as a competition. This is an amazing subject and certainly has given me a new appreciation for the pieces I recently found at GW. Hold onto you seat belts this could be a wild ride. Just kidding.
 Our first stop on the glass train is this lovely fused glass painting. What is that you might ask?! It is the art of using colored glass powders and tiny bits of colored glass to make a picture. By heating the glass in a kiln it melts it, and fuses it together. I can't explain as well as this artist, so I will put the link here to her video for you to enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVJSysvobrI
The artist that did this lovely piece of glass signed it Raphael. I do love your glass piece Raphael, but you can imagine what happened when I typed your name into Foogle. That old painter, Raphael from Italy, just clogged up the works, so I couldn't figure out a thing about you. I do love your work tho, and if the gold leaf and suede velvet frame is anything to go by, you did this sometime in the 1970's or 80's. I paid just $3.99 for your piece and think it just lovely.
Our next stop is these two lovely blown glass pieces. I love the dainty little pitcher and stemware. When I picked them up, they were wrapped together in a small plastic bag and covered in packaging tap, with a 99 cents sticker. Looking through the bag I saw a signature and so snatched them up. I was so happy I did because the signature was that of the above famous Swedish artist, Ulrica Hydman-Vallien. She signed the pieces Kosta Boda and Ulrica HV artist. Excited doesn't cover it. You could have knocked me down with a feather, I was that surprised. Kosta Boda makes some of the finest blown glass in the world, and to have a couple of signed pieces from a known artist that worked there, was simply mind blowing. Two pieces for ninety nine cents. I looked them up and sure enough I found them. They sell for about $50 each on websites in Europe, so I have to think someone picked these up in Sweden while on vacation. Thanks so much Goodwill, sometimes you amaze me.
Next I found this lovely hand-thrown art pottery burgundy, blue, and green pottery mug. I do so enjoy this style of mug, its shape is nice and its colors so vibrant. Unfortunately whoever made it slapped a soft foam pad on the bottom, so I cannot look at the makers mark. Still, I thought it a good price at just $3.99. Mugs like this online can go for upwards of $30 or more.
Moving on, I next chanced upon these two delightfully bright and cheerful dinner plates. A bit of research on Foogle and it was found that these plates are lovely designer plates created for Anthologie, which is a store for those with too much money on their hands. The style of the plates are Verdant Acres Floral Poppies. The GW tag said $2.99 but it was 50% off so I got them both at $1.49 each. Hurrah for me, because if you want these you can get them online for from $20 - $30 each. You can bet I will be keeping an eye out for more of these beautiful darlings.
Stepping away from the glass train, I strolled on down to the toy aisle. I saw this little fellow and thought him so darling. He is part of a group of those funny sock monkey's, which I usually don't really care for, not being a fan of grey. But this little, "Monkeez and Friends", Ollie the Octopus is just so bright and cheerful, I couldn't help wanting him. He was tagged .99 but was 50% off, so I got him for just .49. Isn't he just the cutest?! He washed up easily too.
Then I spotted this funny creature and didn't know what to think?! I didn't know what he was, but I thought he was cute, so plopped him into the cart with Ollie and the rest of my goodies. I did a little research and found, (by the label of his tag), that he is a Pikmi Pops jumbo stuffed Tiger. A rather crazy concept for a toy, for he comes in a big plastic popsicle looking container. Frankly I don't know what manufacturers will think up next when it comes to trying to sell junk candy to children and their parents?! I did pay $2.99 for him and they sell online for $8 - $10, without their container, so I guess I did okay. I washed him up and he now sits on my couch, and I smile whenever I look at him. A good soaking in vinegar water took away his smell, (which is part of the selling point for new ones), a condition I simply didn't want or need. Perfume just about kills me off, so I was glad of the vinegar cure. He seems to be happy without stinking like a perfume factory.
Last of all I found this faux leather lampshade, a needful object I had been keeping my eye out for, for several months. Good thing I snatched it when I did too. These never stay on the shelves long. I paid $2.99 for this lovely little shade, and could have danced with glee. To get one new on Amazon will cost you a cool $34. All in all I'd say it was a good day at GW.


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