My Father, Wesley "Wes" Gerald Robison

These few pictures, are all that I have, of my father, Wes. His was not a long life. Sadly he died November 15, 1960, at the age of 29, when I was just over a year old. I have no memory of him, just things passed down, from Grandma Lillie and my mother, and other relatives who knew him. That he loved his children was an oft repeated theme, and that he was musically and mechanically inclined. He was given to the writing songs and poetry, and was very inventive and creative, whenever it came to working with his hands. He loved to play his guitar and serenade my mother, which sometimes meant writing and singing her a song at two in the morning, not a thing she entirely appreciated, as she had many of their children to attend to and needed her sleep. Lack of sleep from babies, and an early morning serenader, are not conducive to good humor. So he might have done better, to have chosen his timing more wisely.  Tho personally, I think he was a wit. I myself have awoke many a night and had to write the things thrumming through my head, so thanks Dad for the inheritance.

I like to think, that I inherited a good deal of my own creative talents from my father, and only wish, he had lived long enough for me to have known him, just a little. I think that he would have totally understood my need to be creative, and my brains habit of turning nearly any subject, into a poem.
Here is Wes, on his Indian Motorcycle. The panel you see in front of his leg is a metal one he added, in order to protect his legs from mud. Grandma Lillie said he loved to ride that motorcycle, and if I recall, there was also a story told about how my mom had a little motorcycle as well, but that she wouldn't stop riding it, even when she was pregnant, so dad disassembled it. I think Dad looks rather dashing in his leather jacket and combed back hair.
Here he is with a couple of his cars. This must be about when he got married. I am thinking 1951-52. Tho it may have been earlier or later. He loved to work on cars, and owned a slew of them.
This is yet another of his cars. He did own some beauty's, and that's a fact.  All of these were taken on the lower Cedar Falls Rd., with Mt. Si in the background, near North Bend, King Co., Washington. No doubt these were either in Grandma Lillie's front yard, or just across the street.
Here is another pose of the same picture. I think Dad was so handsome and what a sweet car too.

It seems cars weren't the only things he liked to work on. I guess he was equally at home driving his own forklift. Isn't that a Jim-dandy?!
Just when I thought I had found and put up all the pictures I have of dad, I found this one tucked away in another group of pictures. I am still unpacking from our move here, so am a bit unorganized.


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